Monday, July 7, 2014
Hey guys, what is up?  KromedFox here.  As this is my first post, I deemed it proper that I will start off with a short introduction. So, who exactly am I? Well, I am just a lover of all things tech, as simple as that.

I have been quite fond of technology ever since I was little. When I was around 4 years old, I started building those Tamia Let’s Go cars (does anyone still remember these?) without any instructions.  Albeit, the mechanism of those cars were not really complicated, but for a  4 year old, it seemed to be like a surgical procedure. It was really quite an amazing experience, or at least I think it was.

So why did I talked about that? Well, it was the stepping stone to my current life. As years passed by, I have developed a particular fondness to computers and to cars. I want to know what makes them tick. And basically, that is what I will be blogging about. I will be talking about the all the things that I like: tech, cars, games, and just recently, anime. If it is something I like, I will talk about it.

So, sit back, buckle up and enjoy the blog. Because I tell you, it is going be one hell of a ride. 


Yo, Rotfuchs here! I'm another side to this blog. I like Anime, games, cars and modern history. I also draw, but mostly scenery. I like Slice of Life anime, and I dream of one day living in the Japanese countryside. 

This blog is about our journey to the promised land, where the sun rises and geisha roam the streets. But, it will also be about our interests, namely about Japanese culture, cars, tech and more. 

Hey people, how's everyone doing? This is Frane, the third face of this blog! I am the Light Novel expert between the three of us, and I am also the one who propose on making this blog! 

I am quite similar to the two guys above, for I am both a lover of anime and tech stuff. We three belong to the same cult of "Japan Lovers" and wish to live in that country. I quote Rotfuch: "If other people have the "American Dream", then we have the "Nippon Dream"".

So what should you guys expect from this blog? Well, first would be daily updates to our progress and what we do in order to achieve our ultimate dream: Living permanently in Japan. Second, there will be anime, manga, and light novel reviews every now and then. But wait! There's still more! Since we also have other hobbies and interest, like cars and tech stuff, we will also  post with topics not related to Japan!

The path that we are traveling on is rough and bumpy, but as to every bumpy road, it also leads to the smooth, cemented road!


こんにちわみんあさん!I'm the latest addition to the team, LightningHex! よろしくおねがいします。Let's see... I do wish to go to Japan soon, as well. Japan is home to all the things I enjoy: anime, manga, Jpop, and a lot of other things. The first anime I've ever watched was Shugo Chara (yes, the one with the pink-haired teenager who can transform into different aspects of herself).

I have a somewhat strange attraction to shoujo anime, but I do have my fair share of shounen. Comedy is still my favorite, though. Anime for me is my escape from the harsh reality that is life, so don't judge me, please.

I'll be adding reviews of anime I've seen, as well, so I hope you'll enjoy your stay (at this site)! またね〜


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